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Nassau Grove Homes & Real Estate

Nassau Grove was constructed by K. Hovnanian Homes starting in 2006 and the community was sold out with 244 homes in 2013. The community offers a variety of home styles with single and multi-level options, all with first floor master suites and full basements. Homes may be rented or leased for a minimum of 30 days with HOA Board approval, but only 5% of the 244 homes can be leased at any point in time. All homes are detached single-family houses. Nassau Grove was originally formed as a condo community for development purposes (known as site condos). The Nassau Grove Declaration and the Sussex County tax records classify Nassau Grove as condos.

However, since all homes are single-family detached houses, the Nassau Grove governing documents state homeowners own the limited common property and must purchase single-family homeowner’s insurance for the house and limited common property.

Therefore, Nassau Grove is a “hybrid” community between conventional single family and typical condo. The “hybrid” status can be confusing for buyers and lenders. It is important that any potential buyers explain this ownership to their lender who will decide what type of financing is available.

What Makes Life in Nassau Grove Extraordinary?

Amazing Volunteerism

  • Community members serve as Neighborhood Communicators who reach out and welcome new residents, provide helpful information, and answer questions.
  • 100s of residents participate on 9 Committees and Advisory Groups that help maintain the grounds, care for potted flowers, plan events, host games in the clubhouse, host book club, organize dining events, review landscape and architectural applications, etc.

Beauty is Everywhere

  • From the ponds with walking trails to the landscaping, the community is beautiful.
  • The HOA maintains everyone’s lawn and front garden beds.
  • The large pool overlooks one of the ponds and has in-pool umbrellas for shade and plenty of lounge chairs and tables.

Some photos of Nassau Grove

Vibrant and Active

  • Opportunities for camaraderie and friendly competition in pickleball, bocce, billiards, cards, etc.
  • Bike riding group – join friends for bike rides on Georgetown-Lewes Trail with a stop for breakfast in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach.
  • Parties with live music and dancing in the clubhouse.
  • Educational seminars.
  • Community dine arounds at local restaurants and ladies’ luncheons.

Financial Health

  • Reasonable HOA dues paid quarterly.
  • Significant Reserve Fund.
  • Fiscally responsible Board.

Realtors Corner

Real Estate agents can download information and community photos to use when marketing Nassau Grove homes.

Currently listed Nassau Grove Homes HERE